Crafting Cold Emails That Get Opened: 5 steps to crafting a cold email

Crafting Cold Emails That Get Opened: 5 steps to crafting a cold email

A sales rep crafting an email on their laptop.

Let’s address the elephant in the room – Unread cold emails. This problem has driven every sales professional up the wall at some point in their career. In this guide we’ll be exploring a few tried and tested strategies to boost both open and response rates.

1. Craft a Compelling Subject Line.

Your subject line is the email’s first impression. Make it count. 

Keep it brief, personalize it, avoid spammy words, DONT USE ALL CAPS and offer value. You probably already knew this so let’s look at how you can use these guidelines to craft good subject lines.

a. Have a mutual connection? Use it – [Mutual connection] recommended I get in touch.

b. Pique curiosity and create engagement – Who is in charge of X at [company]? –

c. Offer a solution – 3 ways to solve [company’s problem]

d. Point out an insight – Why [trend in industry] is changing everything.

e. Provide a case study – How [company] boosted sales by 20% –

f. Talk about a pain point – If you’re struggling with [common pain point], you’re not alone

2. Personalization is Key.

Generic emails get generic responses, or worse, no response at all. Personalize your email by mentioning something specific about the recipient’s company or recent achievements. This shows that you’ve done your homework.

4. Add an Image or a video of yourself.

If you’re requesting a meeting, why not add a personal touch by including an image of yourself saying hi or holding up a cup of coffee? This simple gesture can help humanize our digital interaction. Additionally, instead of relying solely on text, consider utilizing tools that allow you to incorporate a short video into your email. By doing so, you can replace the text with a more engaging and personalized video message for your prospect.

5. Keep it Brief.

Time is a valuable asset. Respect your recipient’s by keeping your emails concise. Address the main points, offer value, and sign off.

6. A/B Test Your Approach.

Not all strategies will work for every audience. Test different subject lines, email lengths, and CTA placements to determine what resonates best with your target demographic.

7. The Power of Follow-Up.

Sometimes, emails get missed, not because they were uninteresting, but due to the sheer volume of messages in a recipient’s inbox. A gentle follow-up can work wonders. However, avoid being overly persistent, which can deter potential leads.

8. Engage Beyond the Inbox.

Engage with potential leads on other platforms, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, before sending your cold email. A familiar name has a better chance of getting noticed.

9. Analyze and Adjust.

Make use of email tracking tools to analyze open and response rates. Most CRMs will come with this facility. Regularly review your strategy and adjust based on results.


While the digital age has brought with it a series of communication challenges, it also presents unprecedented opportunities. Crafting the perfect cold email requires a blend of artistry and analytics, empathy and strategy. By adopting the above approaches and maintaining a learner’s mindset, you can ensure that your cold emails not only see the light of day but also pave the way for meaningful business relationships. Here’s to conquering inboxes, one cold email at a time!