Closing Techniques That Convert: From Trial Closes to Fear-of-Missing-Out

Closing Techniques That Convert: From Trial Closes to Fear-of-Missing-Out

Sales reps using different digital channels to sell and close deals

Closing a sale is the pinnacle of a successful sales process. It’s the moment when all your efforts culminate, and your prospect transforms into a satisfied customer. While closing may seem like a final step, it’s actually a skill that requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of human behavior. From trial closes to invoking the fear of missing out (FOMO), a range of techniques can be employed to secure that coveted deal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore these techniques, step by step, providing you with actionable insights to enhance your closing prowess and boost your sales success rates.

1. Establish Rapport and Identify Needs

Before you reach the closing stage, it’s imperative to establish rapport and gain a clear understanding of your prospect’s needs. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses. This step builds trust and allows you to tailor your approach effectively.

Example: “I understand that you’re looking to streamline your marketing efforts. Can you share more about your current challenges and goals?”

2. Utilize Trial Closes

Trial closes involve testing the waters to gauge your prospect’s receptiveness to moving forward. It’s a gentle way to assess if they are ready for the final ask.

Example: “Based on our discussion, it sounds like our solution aligns well with your needs. How do you feel about taking the next step?”

3. Address Objections

Addressing objections is a crucial part of the closing process. Anticipate potential concerns and proactively provide solutions to alleviate doubts. This is an opportunity to create wow moments by crafting personalized solutions.

Example: “I understand your concerns about implementation. Let me walk you through our onboarding process, which is designed to ensure a smooth transition.”

4. Present the Solution’s Value

Highlight the unique value your solution brings to the prospect. Emphasize how it addresses their pain points and contributes to their overall goals.

Example: “Our platform not only streamlines your marketing efforts but also provides real-time analytics to help you make informed decisions.”

5. Giving a professional suggestion

Did an excellent job of building rapport with a lead? Then you may be able to offer a recommendation (that they actually take). This will only work if the lead views you as a trusted expert. Your approach should be light, friendly, and relevant. Don’t recommend the highest-priced product if it isn’t the right fit.. If it doesn’t make sense to the lead and their situation, then you’ll lose any trust you earned.

6. Offer Options

Presenting options allows the prospect to feel in control of their decision. Offer different packages or pricing tiers that cater to their specific requirements.

Example: “We have three tiers available, each with varying features to suit your needs. Which one resonates with you the most?”

7. Invoke Scarcity and Urgency

Utilize the principle of scarcity to create a sense of urgency. Communicate that the offer is time-sensitive or has limited availability.

Example: “This special pricing is valid only for the next 48 hours. After that, it returns to its regular rate.”

8. Appeal to Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO)

FOMO is a powerful psychological trigger. Create a scenario where the prospect envisions the benefits of your solution and the negative outcome of not taking action.

Example: “Imagine the growth your business could experience by leveraging our solution. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of your competitors.”

9. Offer a discounted (but less attractive) option

Consumers are constantly on the lookout for attractive offers. If you’re unable to further reduce the price, consider presenting an alternative that may be less appealing in terms of features but is more budget-friendly. For instance, you might opt to eliminate a prominent feature to lower the cost. This approach can prompt customers to reconsider their hesitation about the price and encourage them to move forward with the original deal.

10. Throw in a freebie

Your inner consumer is always delighted by the prospect of a complimentary item. Capitalize on this tendency to your advantage when encouraging leads to finalize their decision. One effective strategy is to provide something without any additional cost. For instance, you could include a tool, service, tickets to an event, training or product as part of the deal, without any extra charges.

Example:  “To ensure you get the most out of our product, I’ll throw in a complimentary integration and installation. Ordinarily, customers would pay at least $1,500 for this service.  But we’re excited to work with you and want to see you succeed.”

This approach makes the prospect feel esteemed and unique, potentially motivating them to embrace your proposal. This principle operates on the concept of reciprocity, where individuals tend to reciprocate favors.

11. Make an assumption

By assuming your prospect is ready to close, it can help motivate them to do so. 

Example: Is this the type of product you were looking for? or Do you think the benefits are worth the investment?

The goal is to bring positivity. Sometimes, showing good intentions earns trust. And by asking assumptive questions, it gets the prospect’s mind working on making a decision.

12. Summarize and Confirm

Summarize the prospect’s needs, the solution’s value, and the benefits they stand to gain. Seek confirmation that they are ready to proceed.

Example: “To recap, our solution addresses your pain points A, B, and C. Are you excited to move forward?”

13. Handle Remaining Concerns

If there are any lingering concerns, address them comprehensively. Ensure that the prospect feels confident in their decision.

Example: “I’m glad we discussed your concerns. Let’s address them one by one to ensure you have complete peace of mind.”

14: Ask for the Close

It’s time for the final ask. Clearly and confidently ask for their commitment.

Example: “Are you ready to take advantage of this opportunity and move forward with our solution?”


Mastering the art of closing requires finesse, empathy, and a strategic approach. By following these steps, from establishing rapport to invoking FOMO, you can enhance your ability to secure deals successfully. Remember, each prospect is unique, and adapting your approach based on their cues is key. As you incorporate these techniques into your sales strategies, you’ll find that your closure rate improves, and your overall sales success soars.