Tejas Mehta: Sales strategies to sell to small and mid size companies

Reframe Sales, India with Aditya Bhat Ep#2

How do you successfully sell to SMBs, what strategies and tactics work and how is it different from selling to enterprise companies. In this episode, you’ll hear Tejas Mehta share his unique perspective on how to approach SMB sales, Discover how his experience growing Social Pilot has shaped his views on the importance of product analytics, story telling, automation and adoption in SMB sales.

Welcome to the second episode of Reframe Sales India! There’s often a spotlight on strategies tailored for large enterprise accounts. Discussions typically revolve around discovery calls, frameworks, and the meticulous collection of information required before even mentioning the word “sales.” But today, we’re taking a different path. Today, we’re diving deep into the realm of selling to small and mid-sized companies.

The needs, budgets, and decision-making processes in these companies can be vastly different from their larger counterparts. Yet, the potential for growth and success in this market segment is enormous. To guide us through this fascinating journey of unlocking sales strategies for small and mid-sized companies, we’ve invited a special guest, Tejas from Socialpilot.

Key insights from the episode.

  1. Customer Segmentation: Begin by clearly defining your target audience within the SMB space. Understanding their unique needs and pain points is essential for tailoring your sales approach effectively.
  2. Inbound Marketing Excellence: Invest in inbound marketing strategies, such as content creation and search engine optimization (SEO). These techniques can help you attract and engage SMB prospects online, ensuring your brand is discoverable.
  3. Hybrid Sales and Customer Success: Consider adopting a hybrid approach where your sales team also takes on elements of customer success. This approach focuses on helping potential customers understand how your product or service aligns with their specific requirements.
  4. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Utilize data analytics to monitor and assess customer behavior, track product usage, and measure conversion rates. Data-driven insights will guide your SMB sales strategy and optimize your sales funnel.
  5. Subscription Model Flexibility: Offer flexibility in your pricing and subscription models. SMBs may appreciate options like monthly and annual subscriptions. Ensure that your sales team is equipped to guide prospects toward the most suitable choice based on their needs.
  6. Rapid Response and Timely Information: In the SMB space, time is of the essence. Ensure that your sales team can provide quick and timely responses to prospects. This includes not only answering questions promptly but also offering demos and information on the spot. SMB customers often want to make decisions swiftly, so being responsive can set you apart from the competition.
  7. Focus on User Adoption Metrics: Instead of just aiming for conversions, prioritize user adoption metrics like three-month adoption rates. SMB sales teams should not only secure the initial sale but also work closely with customers during the onboarding phase to ensure they effectively use the product or service. This approach builds trust and leads to more extensive product usage, upgrades, and better customer retention.
  8. Comprehensive Online Information: Recognize that SMB customers often seek information independently before engaging with your sales team. Make sure that your website offers comprehensive and easily accessible information about your product or service, including pricing, features, and use cases. This empowers prospects to self-educate and may expedite their decision-making process.

Episode Higlights

Product – Customer fit

Tejas talks about having a strategic focus on the product customer fit and helping the customer decide if yours is the right product for them.

Importance of providing value

If your customer is paying $100 they should see the value for at least $100. If you provide value, your customers will stay and grow with you. Tejas talks about the risk of selling to the wrong segment.

Product specialist approach to selling

Tejas talks about the difference in a product specialist approach to demos versus a customer support approach to demos and what you need when selling to SMBs.